Server Setup.

Server Setup determines how the user is connected to the server. Here is a list of commonly used server setups, with a short description of each. Everything On One Server - The entire environment resides on a single server.

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Separate Database Server

Most of the businesses prefer to use the separate database server to keep their data more secure. The separate database server keeps the resources separate from the database management system that also eliminates the contention of resources. In the separate database server, your data and information are more protected because the database is removed from DMZ. Setting up a separate database server is a quick task. Now, database and application would not fight for the same resources in a system. To work on the database, you can install SQL Server.

HTTP Accelerator

The HTTP Accelerator is also known as caching HTTP. The best thing about HTTP Accelerator is that it reduces the time required to serve the content to the user by using some advanced techniques. One of the major tricks used by HTTP Accelerator is the webserver caching response in memory, in doing so, the user will have quick access to the same content in the future.

Load Balancer

On the load balancer server setup, we use multiple servers to manage the workload on different servers. The load balancer is an effective server setup that can improve the performance and reliability of your website. With the load balancer server setup, if one system fails, the other servers are still there to manage a load of traffic on your website.

Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) Server Setup

In the case of Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) server setup, you can get support from someone else to manage your database. It is not like complete outsourcing, everything else except database is still under your control. Under Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) server setup, all of your database processes and operations are managed by a third party. In the DBaaS model, the businesses do not have to worry about the server installation, configuration, database performance and other operations. All of the administrative tasks and maintenance operations of the database are done by the service provider.

Backend as a Service (BaaS) Server Setup

Backend as a Service (BaaS) is acting as a middleware between developers and the cloud services. Under Backend as a Service, you don’t need to bother about the backend functionality of your web or mobile application, and you can access your cloud services through SDK or API. We all know that the backend development is a complicated task and it requires 80% of the total efforts of development, that’s why there are not a lot of service providers for this in the market. The BaaS is directly connected with your user experience and your user communication is also depends on it, so you can never compromise on that

Platform as a Service (PaaS) Server Setup

In the Platform as a Service (PaaS), most of your backup tasks are done by service providers, but here you have more flexibility to build your application. Just like BaaS, the user in PaaS doesn’t have to install any hardware or build any software for the development purpose because the service provider uses its own infrastructure for hosting the hardware or software.